Conférences inter actives, avec support vidéos et documents partagés.

Formateur FFTSA puis Fédération Française de Gymnastique (Diplômes d’Etat)
Co-concepteur du programme Access Gym Trampoline (FFGym)

Publication d’articles et vidéos techniques et pédagogiques en Trampoline et Parkour (Revue FFGym Technique, Revue EPS, Blog, Facebook Alpic Air Force Academy)
Formateur lors de stages internationaux (Italie 2022 Portugal 1998…).
Site Trawp :
Philippe Labeau (Treinador Francês e figura importante na formação dos treinadores em Portugal)
Interview Sergio Lucas : How can you define the “Portuguese School” of Trampolines?
The “Portuguese School”, in my humble opinion, is comprised of learning how to take advantage of the knowledge of the various other schools, no doubt that the influence of the French school was at its base, but Portugal never stood still and continued to evolve taking part on training camps with various world powers of the sport. I vividly remember the first workshops I did, organized by Santarém’s Gymnastics Association with Philippe Labeau…